Male Depression SymptomsMen are not usually the first ones to talk about their feelings and many will do everything in their power to completely avoid it. So, when a man is dealing with depression how are others to know? Depression causes a feeling of hopelessness and can have serious adverse effects on the person effected, their family, career and friendships. If you have noticed a change in behavior of you or someone you know, take a moment to review this list of the top 10 male depression symptoms to see if they apply.

  •  Decreased energy or fatigue

  •  Difficulty concentrating and making decisions

  •  Change in sleeping pattern – oversleeping or sleeping too little

  •  Irritability, restlessness and anger

  •  Unexplained weight loss or weight gain caused by over-eating

  •  Abnormal isolation from family or friends

  •  Lack of motivation to complete daily tasks

  •  Change in mood – persistently sad, anxiety or having an “empty” mood

  •  Loss of interest in hobbies and previously enjoyed recreational activities

  •  Suicidal speech, thoughts of death or acts of attempted suicide

Depression in not something that should be taken lightly, as it may result in severe outcomes if not dealt with immediately. If you or someone you know is experiencing any of these male depression symptoms, there are specially trained and passionate counselors who can help.

You or your loved one can feel safe and comfortable speaking with a counselor who truly has a heart for people and who will listen and be empathetic. They will take the time to help you through your challenges so that you can overcome them. Don’t let depression rule your life. Counseling for depression works!

*The information provided in this article is for informational purposes only. Never substitute, disregard, or delay seeking professional medical advice and assistance for any health or mental issue(s) you have or are concerned about because of something you have read.

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