Male Depression SymptomsIn our culture, men are taught to be strong, powerful and to resist showing or feeling emotion. In addition to perpetuating an unrealistic and often damaging macho stereotype, this sort of message also teaches men to suppress their feelings of anxiety and depression. It is for this reason that symptoms of male depression are often different than the symptoms experienced by females. This sort of “Hold it in until it goes away” ideology can lead to issues such as alcoholism and violence which will not only hurt the depressed individual, but also their friends and family.

Here are some male depression symptoms:

  • Chemical Dependency/Substance Abuse – Drinking in higher quantities or more often than normal; Abusing legal and illegal substances such as prescription medication, narcotics and other such drugs.

  • Controlling and Abusive Behavior – Exercising control over loved ones through manipulation, threats and intimidation; Engaging in verbal, emotional or physical abuse.

  • Escaping or Avoiding Family and Friends – Spending longer hours at work and habitually making up excuses to get out of social situations.

  • Dangerous and Risky Behavior – Driving recklessly, gambling or picking fights with strangers.

  • Infidelity and Unhealthy Sexual Relations – Engaging in unsafe, unprotected sex and/or cheating on a spouse or significant other.

  • Frequent Loss of Temper – Becoming angry and enraged during inappropriate situations, such as during traffic or workplace disagreements.

If you or someone you know is experiencing any of the above mentioned male depression symptoms, you are likely at risk for mild to severe depression. Often, men feel that seeking treatment for depression is a sign of weakness and thus are less likely to accept professional help. However, depression can lead to even greater problems if left untreated. By accepting therapy, men suffering from depression can reclaim their lives.


*The information provided in this article is for informational purposes only. Never substitute, disregard, or delay seeking professional medical advice and assistance for any health or mental issue(s) you have or are concerned about because of something you have read.

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