Do you understand what depression is and the reasons as to why it can afflict someone? Do youdescription of depressiona have symptoms of depression? Depression can be caused by a variety of reasons such as:

  • Chemical Imbalances

  • Food Allergies

  • A Painful Past

  • Pregnancy

  • The Seasons (Fall and Winter)

Chemical imbalances and food allergies are so closely interrelated which can cause one to think that the food itself can be causing your depression at times. Many people have no idea that they have food allergies. Many times a doctor cannot find out through testing. The only way to find out is through trial and error.

Painful memories of your past can be blocking you from your need to heal. Many times when people acknowledge their painful pasts, and deal with them, healing comes automatically without the need for medication. This is why you should make an appointment with a counselor.

Other Causes of Depression

A counselor can help you address low self-esteem issues which are so prevalent among people with depression. Many people have a very hard time realizing and acknowledging low self-esteem because they think it is prideful to have a good self-esteem. This is actually opposite of reality. Many people who are depressed have a very hard time focusing on reality though. The tougher you are with yourself, the more healing you will find.

If you are experiencing temporary depression from P.M.S, pregnancy, or the change in seasons, you need to see a counselor for advice on how to deal with these changes. Some changes are temporary and others are more permanent. The number one thing to help with the 3 above causes of depression is exercise. Exercising releases endorphins which flood your spirit with a sense of well-being. It might be difficult to do, but it is worth it in the end.

A simple description of depression according to common thought:

This description of depression is not complete, but it is enough to give you the awareness you need at the moment. Depression not only involves irritable moods and deadly emotions, but your entire being. Our spirits, souls, and bodies all intersect at some point. If you are depressed, you may feel fatigued in body. If you are anxious in mind, your emotions then become entangled. If your emotions are going haywire, you may indulge in self-destructive behaviors so that you can forget about the pain temporarily. Some common symptoms of depression are:

  • Feelings of Worthlessness

  • Apathy

  • Fatigue

  • Anger

  • Loss of Interest in Regular Activities

  • No Emotions/Repressed Emotions

  • Pessimism

  • Hopelessness

  • Despair

  • Headaches

  • Ulcers

  • Chronic Pain

Don’t Be Afraid to Ask For HelpDepression Advice

Asking someone who loves you for help could save your life. If you have a few of these symptoms and can attest to the description of depression as being something you relate to, then you need to call a Atlanta counselor, psychologist, or psychiatrist. Even taking depression advice and talking with a family member might help. If you don’t even feel like picking up that phone to make the appointment, ask someone else to do it for you, and to help you remember and maybe even bring you to the appointment. You surely aren’t going to feel like doing anything for your depression, since it is also marked by feelings of helplessness.

You also may be depending on someone heavily right now, but that may not be a good thing. Don’t bring others down with you because then there won’t be anyone left to help. It would be like the blind leading the blind. The only one you should be bringing into your depression is a counselor who is trained and understands the human soul.

Dr. Jeff Gars is very compassionate and genuine as a counselor. He will give you the space you need to explore your emotions and compare them with the description of depression as it really is in your life. Finding a diagnosis usually always helps someone right away because they realize they are not alone and that many other people have the same diagnosis.

*The information provided in this article is for informational purposes only. Never substitute, disregard, or delay seeking professional medical advice and assistance for any health or mental issue(s) you have or are concerned about because of something you have read.

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