You might be one of those people who still believes substance abuse  is the type of thing that chemical dependencyhappens to other people. Chemical dependency doesn’t affect you or anyone you love – Right?

Unfortunately, you’re wrong. The truth is chemical dependency can and does affect everyone from all walks of life. The National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) conducted by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration states that nearly 22.9 million Americans above the age of 12 has used an illegal substance. That’s 8.9% of the population who have admitted to using or abusing pain relievers, stimulants, or tranquilizers.

According to that same study the majority of those affect by chemical dependency are not getting the treatment they need. An estimated 23.1 million Americans need counseling for drugs and/or alcohol while a mere 2.6 million receive treatment. That’s over 20 million people affected and alone who continue to abuse alcohol and drugs. Out of that 20 million you probably know somebody afflicted or are yourself suffering from problems with substance abuse. Get help: for them and for you.

That’s the good news. Chemical dependency is a real thing that affects a vast segment of the population but, if treated professionally with care and kindness, it can be beaten. All you need to do is ask for help. Help for you or help for a friend. Admit that a problem does exist and reach out because there are therapists in Atlanta, who are eager to help end the vicious cycle of substance abuse.

Dr. Gars knows that substance abuse issues can run deeper than the mere physical dependency on drugs or alcohol. While those substances do create a physical need for more the drive to use them can come from deeper issues that means breaking the physical bond of body and drug does nothing without treating these mental or spiritual issues that lead to abuse in the first place. This is why Jeff offers a complete, holistic therapy to aid patients in breaking from both of their physical dependence on a substance but also their desire to use it.substance abuse

Many times people use drugs to cope with their problems or to “feel good.” In fact, the National Institute on Drug Abuse lists the main two reasons that people abuse drugs is to feel good, or experience new things for the novelty of it; or as an attempt to feel better, or to cope with anxiety, fears, and depression.

Therapy can be helpful for people in either group. Regardless of your reasons for chemical dependency, or what particular substances you or a loved one use, Dr. Jeff Gars can help. He offers compassionate care in a comforting office environment to help you discover why there is a substance abuse issue and help empower you to fight. 

The first step to defeating your issues with substance abuse is to acknowledge that it’s a mask for a very real pain and does nothing to help you deal with these deeper problems. Substance abuse can and does affect everyone- you don’t need to be ashamed to ask for help. Too many people leave their problems untreated because they are afraid and because they feel alone. Don’t be. There are millions of Americans suffering from the same problems that, without treatment, will only worsen.

Contact us for a complimentary 10 minute consultation to begin your path to recovery. Once you receive the help you need we know you’ll begin living the life you deserve.   


*The information provided in this article is for informational purposes only. Never substitute, disregard, or delay seeking professional medical advice and assistance for any health or mental issue(s) you have or are concerned about because of something you have read.

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