Interdependencesubstance abuse

Substance abuse recovery is not temporary. It is a lifelong process that must be worked on with diligence, determination, and humility. We all need each other in every area of life. Interdependence is key; not independence. Many think they can go it alone and be successful. That train of thinking will only get you back to square one. If you are really serious about your recovery, you will take the steps necessary in order to stay successful.

Unresolved Pain

Making sure you see a counselor, therapist in Atlanta or someone who understands substance abuse and recovery is the best first step to take during, or after you are stop using your drug of choice. Just any therapist won’t work. Only those who have the knowledge and/or experience in substance abuse recovery will be able to help you move forward and find the healing you need. Most addicts and alcoholics start using because of unresolved pain, or life experience that they didn’t know how to deal with.

  • Stay open-minded

  • Allow yourself to release negative emotions

  • Acknowledge painful memories and talk about them

This emotional pain that you have carried around for all of this time will affect you in many ways. Our bodies and minds are interconnected in such a way that each has an influence on the other. In order to keep your body in a state of health and healing, the stress you have must be let go. Stress causes many emotional and physical problems such as:

  • Pain

  • Obesity

  • Migraines

  • Heartache

  • Depression

  • Anxiety

Everyday RequirementsSubstance Abuse Treatment

If you are an addict in substance abuse recovery that deals with any type of pain in body or emotion, then releasing everything that has been built up is necessary for your long term consistent method of recovery. Attending AA/NA is also a requirement, because this shows that you are serious about your recovery. There are many ways that addicts only find out after they have been through much pain and heartache that are guaranteed helps in your recovery. One of those is having a good attitude.

Gratitude is a very popular topic these days, but it is a must for those seeking real recovery. If you aren’t consistently grateful, then you may become depressed, anxious, and lose your passion for life. In order to maintain recovery, having a good attitude about being alive and well, without the need for substance abuse is necessary. Every day, think of at least 5 things to be grateful for and right them down, and then speak it out. Our words are very powerful.

There are many addicts that have gone before you that are no longer with us today who would give anything just to be alive on this earth still. Whether or not they had a job, a place to live, money, and even family wouldn’t really matter to them. They just want to be here, living life with fullness, joy, and community. You don’t need a natural family in order to have fellowship. Everyday, choose at least one of the following:

  • Attending meetings

  • Group therapy

  • Church Gatherings

  • Finding a therapist

Office Environment Attributes

Being comfortable in the therapist’s office will give you the endurance to stay focused, show up for your appointments, and connect with him or her. You also need to trust your therapist. This will give you the right attitude in order to access every area of stress in your life without fear. These things can be brought up in conversation, as well as in the stress releasing exercises that can be done, whether in the office or at home.

What office attributes would give you the determination to seek and continue in long term therapy?

  • Peaceful colors that relax you

  • Compassion of the employees and therapist

  • Type of treatment

  • Success of treatment  


*The information provided in this article is for informational purposes only. Never substitute, disregard, or delay seeking professional medical advice and assistance for any health or mental issue(s) you have or are concerned about because of something you have read.

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