If you are battling substance abuse problems, take courage and fight. It isn’t an easy battle to substance abuse recoverywin. Our government has spent billions of dollars against the war on drugs. What does that tell you? There are a lot of challenges of substance abuse and recovery. To maintain sobriety after years of addiction takes work.

Major Challenges of Substance Abuse

  • Admitting There’s a Problem

  • Finding New Friends

  • Staying Clean

  • Participating in 12 Step Programs

  • Temptations

As you can see, there are many challenges of overcoming addiction. Even with a program laid out, family on your side, a counselor to talk to, and new friends who don’t use, it’s still always going to be a battle. Drugs are everywhere. Unless you are careful, it is difficult to get away from them altogether.

A Lifelong Battle

Most addicts have denial. It isn’t easy admitting to yourself, let alone other people, that you have a drug problem. Once you finally state the truth, you will already start to feel free. Overcoming addiction and maintaining recovery is life long. Don’t think that once you have made it through the hardest parts that you can take a break from recovery.

In Alcoholics Anonymous, they say one is too many, and 1,000 is never enough. You can apply this to either alcohol or to drugs, because once you take the first hit, or snort that first line, your pretty much off to the races, and you cannot be tamed. You may convince yourself that your stronger now and that you can stop at any time. You can stop at anytime, but it isn’t likely that you will. This will be one of the biggest challenges and deceptions of your substance abuse recovery.

Humbly Admitting Your Weakness

Many addicts also say they don’t need rehabilitation, and that they can do it on their own. Once you are down, you feel worthless, sinful, and evil. Instead of allowing yourself to rely on others for help, you may commit to going at it alone, and get to a point where you end up relapsing right away. This is pretty much the same for every addict who becomes prideful and says they can overcome through their own will power.

It just isn’t possible. So admit now that you need the help of family and friends, those at Alcoholics or Narcotics Anonymous, as well as a counselor. You will feel much better when you admit you are powerless and that your life is unmanageable, which is the 1st step of A.A. Even if you don’t like A.A. or N.A. it doesn’t matter because either way, at some point, you are going to have to admit that you have a problem, and are powerless to overcome it without God’s help.

Overcoming possible temptations and growing in emotional and even spiritual intelligence go hand in hand. There will be times when you get the urge to use. This is a serious challenge of substance abuse recovery. Yet every time you choose what is right, you will increase in emotional and spiritual strength. Don’t miss out on an opportunity to become stronger in spirit.Substance Abuse

Emotional Intelligence

Depending on what age you started using and how old you are now, will give you an idea of what you missed out on in life. If you missed your teenage and young adult years of life, then your emotional intelligence may not be that high on the charts. You may have to relearn how to talk to other people, how to change your emotions by changing your thoughts, and by being optimistic about life instead of being pessimistic.

If you really want to recover, help is available. Just be humble and accept whatever help others want to give you, and long before you know it, you will have years of recovery and sobriety. Then you will also be able to help others, which is another key to staying clean. They say teaching others is the only way to really learn.   


*The information provided in this article is for informational purposes only. Never substitute, disregard, or delay seeking professional medical advice and assistance for any health or mental issue(s) you have or are concerned about because of something you have read.

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