The Loneliness of Teen Depressionteen depression

Depression in and of itself is a very lonely experience. Sometimes depression can be caused by loneliness. If you have ever heard or felt that saying that goes something like this: “I’m among so many people but I still feel very lonely”, then you know what real loneliness is.

Imagine your teenager experiencing these feelings of being alone but having no idea how to deal with it. Many teens deal with slight, low levels of depression that can be overcome through talking with a counselor. Others deal with greater levels of depression that could be classified as major depressive disorder or even bipolar disorder.

Causes of Teen Depression

Teen depression can be scary for the one experiencing it, and has many possible causes. Causes can range from food allergies to drug use and relationship issues all the way to something as simple as anxiety.

You certainly want to help your teen to receive counseling if needed. Physical and emotional health are two vitally important issues that must be attended to on an equal basis. More often then physical health, a teen’s emotional health is overlooked. If your teen has the opportunity to receive relief both physically and emotionally speaking however, a more permanent healing can take place. It doesn’t get any better than that!

Your Teen is Not Alone

So many young adults go through stages of teen depression. It is important for them to know that they aren’t the only ones. This may help your teen to understand their depression much better especially if he or she understood that puberty plays a huge part when it comes to emotional, spiritual, and physical growth. Many teens feel alone because of low self-esteem issues and even more so if they are not as popular as other students at school.young adult depression

Not everyone can be popular, nor should they be. Popularity doesn’t ensure confidence or an abundant life during middle school or high school. If your teen is experiencing low self-esteem and a lack of confidence, counseling is recommended. Counseling for your teen can help them begin to step out of their isolation and find the joy again.


Individuation is a normal experience among teenagers dealing with both puberty and finding purpose in life. Seeking out personal fulfillment is not easy when you aren’t sure yet what you like and don’t like. Teens want desperately to fit in, as this is where the feelings of loneliness begin. When you are sure of yourself, your likes and dislikes, it’s easy to find the people that will accept you for who you are. When you are ambiguous in terms of your purpose, you will try desperately to fit in anywhere, it doesn’t really matter where.

This is the reason why so many teens experiment with substance use. Getting your teen into therapy right away can easily prevent a descent into the darkness of drugs and alcohol. Jeff Gars,LMSW,DC is an understanding and compassionate counselor who can help your teen discover their potential and explore their individual identity. Counseling for your teen can be very empowering, building self-esteem and helping them to be all they can!

*The information provided in this article is for informational purposes only. Never substitute, disregard, or delay seeking professional medical advice and assistance for any health or mental issue(s) you have or are concerned about because of something you have read.

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