What is Biofeedback?
Maybe you haven’t heard of biofeedback anxiety techniques yet. If you haven’t, then you probably want to stick around to learn what they are. These are techniques that you can do on your own to help you get more control of and even beat anxiety.
Biofeedback anxiety techniques are based on the body’s natural physiological responses to the environment. The body’s temperature at any given time is based upon the environment just as much as it depends upon what you eat and drink, and how much you exercise, if at all. By the way, if you don’t use exercise and activity as a treatment modality for anxiety, then you should. Exercise triggers your brain to release natural opiates called endorphins which relieve pain and give you an increased sense of well-being.
Your brain waves, and the tension within your muscles can also be measured by biofeedback anxiety techniques. There are four popular biofeedback types, and they are temperature readings, EEG, E.M.G., and the Galvanic Skin Response. Don’t let these words and abbreviations scare you away. Nothing is more scary to a person who has anxiety than anxiety itself, even if there is no reason for it.
Especially if there is no reason for it, and even if you did have a reason to be anxious, the whole idea is to stay in a peaceful spirit by thinking positive thoughts, and not reacting negatively to your current environment, no matter where you are. Even if you don’t feel confident, pretend that you are. Any fear will actually bring whatever is feared upon you. If you are afraid of anxiety, then anxiety will take up residence more powerfully in your body and mind than if you weren’t afraid of it.
Different Forms of Biofeedback Anxiety Training
Let’s go over each type of biofeedback anxiety technique. The first one is called the temperature biofeedback therapy. It is the same thing as thermal biofeedback if you’ve heard of it. You will be connected to a thermistor by way of one of your fingers. Every slight change in temperature is recorded, and you will be able to see the changes as they are made within your body. You have the power to change the temperature through relaxation.
The next type is called the galvanic skin response. This biofeedback measures how much you sweat along with what is going on in your nervous system. The central nervous system or CNS is the system within the brain and body that controls your anxiety, depression, and it is a general moderator of how you feel. When you are anxious or stressed, you might sweat more easily, even if it is only a small unseen amount.
The 3rd type of biofeedback anxiety training is the E.M.G. This type is based upon the muscles. It goes by groups of muscles in certain locations in the body. Electrodes will be put on the skin right near the particular set of muscles that will be measured. You will get feedback from the E.M.G. and you will be able to decrease or increase the activity depending on what is necessary. This helps you learn how to control muscle tension, and eventually you won’t need the machines as you will have learned what to do.
The final form of biofeedback anxiety training is called EEG. Your brainwaves change the most when you are sleeping, watching t.v., and napping. When you are sleeping or even merely resting, you are more relaxed and so your brain waves change. EEG biofeedback anxiety training will help you learn to control your anxiety through relaxing more.
*The information provided in this article is for informational purposes only. Never substitute, disregard, or delay seeking professional medical advice and assistance for any health or mental issue(s) you have or are concerned about because of something you have read.