Kinds Of DepressionThere are differences in opinion regarding the various kinds of depression. Several basic types are recognized as common among the psychological community. Other types are often classified in subcategories of the basic types. The different kinds of depression are:

  • Major Depression — This is a common but quite serious type of depression. It is considered biologic in nature and can respond well to medication or to therapy or, a combination of both. It has the typical sufferer feeling the world is against them. They lose interest in day to day activities and have a feeling of worthlessness.

  • Bipolar Disorder — Bipolar depression swings back and forth from exuberance to depression. Both the highs and lows of bipolar depression can interfere with daily life since each can bring out extremes of behavior. 

  • Atypical Depression — Another of the various kinds of depression, this type is similar to but not as extreme as bipolar depression. The patient feels they are at the mercy of life and the world around them. Praise, recognition can make them feel on an even keel while criticism, failure at a task or rejection can bring on depressive behavior. Weight gain and overeating are common with this type. Oversleeping or excessive sleeping and fatigue are associated with this type as well.

  • Psychotic Depression — Persons affected with this type are severely depressed and also suffer from frightening hallucinations. Their depression is accompanied by hearing voices and seeing things that are totally imaginary. 

Other kinds of depression include Seasonal Affective Disorder or SAD. This is brought on by winter weather, keeping the subject from being outdoors and exposure to light. Once spring depressionarrives, the patient shows improvement. Postpartum depression occurs in women after childbirth. It can be as mild as a case of the “blues” all the way up to a psychosis which is severe and may trigger harmful behaviors toward the child.

Various types of depression may come an go and never be recognized. Other signs of depression include but are not limited to: chemical dependency or substance abuse, trouble communicating with partners, anxiety and relationship troubles. They may also become more severe and require immediate treatment. Any type of depression lasting more than two weeks should be checked out by a therapist as soon as it is suspected. Just as in any other health matter, early recognition and treatment raises the chances for a successful conclusion and a return to life’s normal activities.  


*The information provided in this article is for informational purposes only. Never substitute, disregard, or delay seeking professional medical advice and assistance for any health or mental issue(s) you have or are concerned about because of something you have read.

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