Young Adults and Depressiondepression and young adults

Why do you think depression and young adults seem to be on the rise? There is a variety of possibilities such as: 

  • Mental Illnesses

  • Puberty

  • Anxiety

  • Low Self-Esteem

  • Hopelessness

  • Peer Pressure

  • Bullies

  • Problems with Schoolwork

  • Inability to Focus

  • Food Allergies

Depression and young adults go together like bees and honey. It is hard to find a teenager nowadays who isn’t depressed. With so much going on in the world today, it’s difficult to find anyone who isn’t depressed. Joy is hard to come by, and life keeps getting passed by. 

Teens Need Our Help

We need to help our teens heal. Dr. Gars wants to prevent this increase and growing trend of depression and young adults who don’t have the right tools to overcome this despair of heart and mind. Dr. Gars can give teens depression advice and the tools they need to be over comers. 

Why allow the teens to bring this despair into adulthood? There is no reason for it. If they can learn how to battle it now, they can have productive and prosperous lives when they get older. All teens need help in processing emotions, thoughts, and actions. Thing such as puberty, peer pressure, and low self-esteem are confusing to teenagers. 

Let’s bring teens out of the darkness and into the light. Give them a reason to shine bright. Hopelessness and anxiety abounds in our world today, but we can prevent it if we would just stop procrastinating and start doing what’s right. Depression counseling is what’s right, especially for teenagers who need help in processing their feelings and emotions. 

Without Purpose, There is No Joy

The pastor, Rick Warren, who wrote the book ‘The Purpose-Driven Life’, just lost his son to suicide. How could this have happened? A young man who was raised in a Christian home, with a father who was very prosperous, had everything he wanted, and yet still wasn’t happy?

This example just goes to show us that life isn’t about prosperity and money. Life is about purpose, courage, and joy. Joy comes from within, not from without. No one can find real, lasting joy ‘out there’ in the world. Everything in the world is temporary and becomes old after a while.

Gratitude Brings Healing

Your new cell phone that brought you joy at first is now old and you no longer even want it. depression counselingYour brand new car is no longer new and the original excitement you once had is gone. The only way to find and keep joy is by exhibiting gratitude and speaking positive uplifting words. Teenagers may have trouble understanding what gratitude and joy really are and therefore don’t understand how to heal from depression. 

Immediate Action Plans

Dr. Gars can help your teen to create an action plan filled with goals, timelines, and activities in order to lessen the gap of the growing trend of depression and young adults who don’t understand what to do to make changes. Teenagers need lots of hope now more than ever. This world is filled with corruption and danger. There aren’t many opportunities left.

Starting Over 

Yet, if a teenager could come to terms with the reasons of their depression, but also re-create him or herself in such a way that success will be guaranteed in the future, they can feel better about themselves right now! Why wait any longer? Don’t wait until the bottom falls out completely. Prevention is the best medicine, and you can help your teen to start over immediately.

*The information provided in this article is for informational purposes only. Never substitute, disregard, or delay seeking professional medical advice and assistance for any health or mental issue(s) you have or are concerned about because of something you have read.

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