There is a fine line between drug use, abuse, and addiction. Once addicted, life is never the same again. Drugs are everywhere nowadays. If you know someone who has a chemical dependency, sometimes it was just them being at the wrong place at the wrong time.
How can you tell if someone you know has been using? The signs of chemical dependency can be easily hidden, and other times they are not. Being aware of signs and symptoms is necessary in order to help someone else be free of their chemical dependency. You may not be able to keep quiet, especially if it someone very near and dear to you.
Drugs, Reactions, and Side Effects
Everyone knows what its like to be around someone who is even a little drunk. What if it is an everyday thing? A person wakes up with trembles and shakiness if physically addicted to alcohol. They are always irritable and cannot make proper decisions. Anxiety and depression are two things they always talk about.
A person who smokes weed even once will have glassy red eyes and always be hungry. They will laugh at just about anything or take something that isn’t funny and find a way to make it funny. Always tired, unmotivated, and uncaring about life.
Xanax, Valium, Klonopin, Valium, and G.H.B. are all medications that will make someone extra tired and more able to fall asleep. These are also somewhat physically addicting. Someone will look like they could be drunk if they don’t smell like it. So if your significant other looks drunk, acts drunk, but just doesn’t smell drunk then these type of medications could be the cause. Maybe your confused and think, I know he has to be drunk from something, why am I not smelling it? This is why.
Drugs such as Cocaine, Amphetamines, and Crystal Meth fall into this category. Potential signs of chemical dependency include hyperactivity with a mixture of feeling calm and euphoric at the same time. At first the person will be talkative, nice, and feeling great. After when the high is waning, he or she will become irritable, sleeplessness, and under eating if any eating at all.
LSD, PCP, and Ecstasy are all examples. Signs of someone taking these drugs will be a person saying they feel really paranoid, or that they feel
like they are in a strange, foreign place that they have never been to before, but it is not really any different at all. They may seem more detached, and sensitive to music, bright lights, and odd shapes.
An inhalants like glue, aerosols, or vapors are not common things anyone likes to get high off of. However, if they do, it becomes just as addicting as any other substance. It may be hard to believe but true nonetheless. It is also dangerous, and can actually cause cancer, not just brain cell damage. A person using inhalants may have watery eyes, impaired vision or memory, and thought. Look for poor muscle control and drunk like behavior.
The signs are oh so obvious. That is, unless someone did a very small amount, and is trying to hide it. The first and most obvious sign is people that wear sweaters in the summer; this is to cover up track marks on the arms. Nodding off anywhere at anytime and not wanting to eat are some other signs of chemical dependency. No response of pupils to light, and the most classic sign of all: Vomiting.
Tough love is not easy, but addicts need it more than anything. Don’t be judgemental, and don’t threaten the person. Always remember to stay calm, loving, and supportive when talking to someone about their chemical dependency.. Knowing about different drugs, and their symptoms or side effects, will help you to be more aware of what signs to be on the lookout for.
*The information provided in this article is for informational purposes only. Never substitute, disregard, or delay seeking professional medical advice and assistance for any health or mental issue(s) you have or are concerned about because of something you have read.